I became acquainted with the paper-like Tyvek Du Pont textile material as a fashion designer working in costume design.
The first collection was created with the theme „paper folding“(images: 1,2) for a fashion show of extraordinary wedding dresses.
The Tywek textile material is a type of non-woven fabric made from polyethylene, it’s perforated surface allows air and water to travel through. The paper-weight, pearly white surface of the fabric becomes more intricate through the light/shade effect caused by the crumpling. This is why it’s suitable for fairy-tale, imaginative wedding dresses. The practically weightless, large surface area (the finished dress can consist of 10-15 meters of fabric) can be crumpled (not folded) ti fit a 50×20×40 cm bag, suitable for longer car travels or flights. Upon arrival the dress can be softly “shaken awake” without ironing (never iron the dress!), and it can be worn right away. All theses characteristics of the material play a very important role in today’s fast-moving world.
The presented collection (“collaction”) also allows for the individual selection of the complete dress, by the individual selection of various components.
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Made with love by Gizella Koppany from © Tyvek
I became acquainted with the paper-like Tyvek Du Pont textile material 25 years ago, working as a fashion designer in costume design. The surface of the paper-like fabric (despite not being paper), it’s marbled, skin-like touch caught my interest. Through the experiments I performed I managed to dye the dazzling white Tyvek textiles in pastel shades, as well as saturated colors.